Like the past years, this December we will be present at Paris Open Source Summit offering business representatives an opportunity to meet our experts and learn more about Nextcloud.
At this major enterprise open source gathering, our team members will give three talks and we will have a shared booth with our partner Arawa.
Event: Paris Open Source Summit
Dates: December 10 – 11
Location: Paris, France
Venue: LES DOCKS DE PARIS – 50, av. du Président Wilson 93200 La Plaine St-Denis, 100 meters away from the Door of the Chapel, The Docks of Paris are situated on the axis of communication Bets / stage of France.
We will be there with both French and English speakers. Come visit our booth (C08) and discuss our roadmap, latest improvements and development! You can come by any time, but if you want to discuss a specific point or want an appointment with us, you may want to send an email to
Two of our team members will give talks at Paris Open Source Summit. Check the full schedule here.
Venez découvrir pourquoi Nextcloud est de plus en plus installé en France
Olivier Paroz – Tuesday, December 10, 14:35 – 15:00
Discover why Nextcloud is increasingly installed in France
The demand for online collaboration and communication tools is growing rapidly. Nextcloud offers a real alternative to the solutions of American giants while remaining 100% Open Source and allowing organizations that use it to keep control over their data. It is for these reasons that Nextcloud is increasingly used in France, whether in Ministries, universities or companies.
“I will present to you the progress made over the past 12 months, as well as some concrete cases.”
Le Spleen du mainteneur: ne négligeons pas la sécurité organisationnelle dans l’open source !
Nina Cercy – Wednesday, December 11, 14:45 – 15:30
The Spleen of the maintainer: let’s not neglect organizational security in open source!
November 26, 2018: the event-stream security team, an npm package, is contacted about an infected package that allows its author to steal Bitcoins. Oh no, there’s no event stream security team. We therefore contact the person responsible for the package directly. Well, it turns out she’s no longer holding the package. Come on, let’s wake up the CISO of the compan… Neither? Are we turning against the company that audited such a widely distributed package? Audiwhat? There was no illegitimate elevation of privileges. No spoofing. No vulnerability in the Github code, neither on the app side nor on the npm side itself. Just a smart attacker who asked to maintain an npm package and quietly injected his malicious code once the official maintainer. In open source, the trust chain is essential to ensure development security, and organizational security is sometimes overlooked: let’s look at the good practices to be put in place.
Open source et RGPD : quel partage de responsabilités ?
Nina Cercy – Wednesday, December 11, 16:00 – 16:30
Open source and GDPR: which division of responsibilities?
While the case of SaaS vendors has been quite well defined, the regulation around the responsibilities of open source vendors towards the GDPR remains unclear: who is responsible in case of a security breach? What is the status of the publisher? What about support ? A brief overview of the thousand complex situations that can arise when developing in open source.
“When we have welcoming communities of contributors, open source software gets better and more useful to everyone.” Limor Fried, Electrical Engineer, Inventor and Founder of open-source hardware company Adafruit We believe in this ideal and love to work with our community. We are always looking to involve more people in Nextcloud, bringing in their ideas, […]
The Nextcloud Conference is not your average event - it's a community meetup that brings together Nextcloud enthusiasts, contributors, developers, users and industry experts from all over the world.
Do you want to learn more about the leading Content Collaboration Platform? Nextcloud is an on-premises, integrated collaboration platform that can work for your organization or business in all sectors from Government, education, healthcare, and many other. Meet Nextcloud at exciting upcoming trade shows from Zukunftskongress and DMEA in Berlin to EdTech Congress Barcelona in […]
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