It is that time again: your updater will soon light up, Nextcloud updates are here! As always, these contain bug fixes, not risky rewrites, so updates should be smooth and safe, in no small part thanks to our RC testers! You should update your server: not only does it improve the reliability, security fixes are also part of our minor releases and privacy does not exist without security! As always, customers can rely on the stand-by upgrade support from Nextcloud GmbH if needed.
What’s new
About 60 issues were fixed in Nextcloud 14, showing the typical slow-down in the rate of changes that comes with maturity. Changes are all over dealing with a wide variety of corner cases where Nextcloud could do better. A few highlights:
As you see, small improvements, small fixes – but they can have big consequences if you relied on this specific functionality, so get to your updater and move to the latest release!
No more 12 releases!
This was the last release in the Nextcloud 12 series, which we’ve kept alive a bit longer than we initially promised (we publicly maintain the lastest and the previous release). The time for upgrading is really here now, as further security or stability issues in this release won’t be addressed in public releases anymore and its installed base has shrunk significantly, meaning less problems will be found by others. So if you are still on Nextcloud 12: apply this update, then make a plan for moving to 13 and, ideally, 14!
Time to upgrade to 14!
Nextcloud 13.0.8 comes with only 2 dozen changes. With Nextcloud 14 already having a larger installed base, we urge users to plan an update to Nextcloud 14. This also in light of the upcoming Nextcloud 15 release, when the clock starts ticking on the end of support for Nextcloud 13. If want to stay on Nextcloud 12 or 13 for a longer time and want to keep your data secure, request access to the Long Term Support service of Nextcloud GmbH for further security and stability updates.
Stay safe: keep your server up-to-date!
Minor Nextcloud releases are security and functionality bug fixes, not rewrites of major systems that risk user data! We also do extensive testing, both in our code base and by upgrading a series of real-world systems to the test versions. This ensures that upgrades to minor releases are painless and reliable. As the updates not only fix feature issues but also security problems, it is a bad idea to not upgrade!
This is also true for apps: keeping them updated has security benefits, besides the new features and other bug fixes.
If you are maintaining a mission-critical Nextcloud system for your enterprise, it is highly recommended that you get yourself some insurance (and job security… who gets blamed if the collaboration platform isn’t working as expected?). A hotline to the core Nextcloud developers is the best guarantee for reliable service for your users.
That link leads to a 404
Coming in 30 min (or a bit more), my mistake - had scheduled but not finished it
Still only the 14.0.3 is in the download directory.
The 14.04 is not in the Stable Updater.
Now 14.0.4 can be downloaded. I installed it on two systems, no problems so far.
OK Perfect
All OK except for a bogus Referrer header warning as my Apache config has it and
didn’t have this with 14.0.3. Thanks!
When will the 14.0.4 docker tag be available? Right now there is a 14.0.4RC only.