Invitation to our hackweek in Stuttgart

Next week, August 1-5, we’ve planned another Hackweek to kick off a discussion about Nextcloud 11 (to be released later this year), testing infrastructure and many other practical and social subjects around our project. On Tuesday evening we’ll organize a BBQ again but this time, everyone’s invited to join any or all days of the week!

Practical information

The BBQ will be at Egilolfstr. 31 – 70599 Stuttgart-Birkach / Hohenheim again, close to Stuttgart Airport. Nearest public transport would be either U3 Plieningen or S2/3 Flughafen/Messe.

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The hacking will kick off in the Stuttgart office:
Nextcloud GmbH
Kronenstraße 22A
70173 Stuttgart

We will start August 1st around 10 in the morning, most days probably until 7 or so until we arrange some food and, possibly, come back after that for some more hacking. August 5 will be the last day, probably still until early evening. There are plenty hotels in the city center but you can also sleep in the house–at least three people will and you can join! Bring a sleeping bag & mat and be a part of the sleepover fun!

If you’d like to join, please let us know, either in the comments below or by sending an email to one of us. That way we can ensure there is enough food and drinks–not to forget about chairs and tables.

If you can’t make it, no worries, there’s still the Nextcloud Conference you can participate in! Stay tuned for news on that one, we’ll be opening registration soon.

  • Avatar for hagengraf
    hagengraf says:

    I’m curious, I’ll join and I need a place to sleep in the house.

  • Avatar for rullzer
    rullzer says:

    You forgot me!
    No cheese for you!

  • Avatar for jospoortvliet

    /me quickly edits

    Also didn’t add Vanessa, Patrick, Leon (I believe he’s on holiday?) and Niels (surely on holiday). And who else?

  • Avatar for jan
    jan says:

    Also, @Gomez mentioned he might drop by for 1–2 days!

    And I hope @sualko and @LEDfan will be able to drop by so we can work on more Chat & communications integration! :slight_smile:

  • Avatar for jospoortvliet

    sadly these awesome chaps already told me they won’t be able to make it. I’m still trying to figure out how to bribe them to at least be at the conference :wink:

  • Avatar for Andy
    Andy says:

    About that, which kind of bribes would be available? :slight_smile:

  • Avatar for jospoortvliet


    we can help you pay for travel, for sure, and there is always the possibility of alcoholic gifts :wink:

  • Avatar for Andy
    Andy says:

    Sounds awesome! Both things! I’ll check my schedule and would love to b e at the conference! :slight_smile:

  • Avatar for juliusknorr
    juliusknorr says:

    I’ll try to be there either on Monday or Tuesday, but I cannot say for sure until Saturday.

  • Avatar for jan
    jan says:

    @juliusknorr great news! :slight_smile: It’s not compulsory to be there for the full week – anything is fine. We can work a bit more on polishing Theming then!

  • Avatar for rullzer
    rullzer says:

    Well good french wine never hurt anybody :wink:

  • Avatar for MariusBluem
    MariusBluem says:

    I’m in on Monday and (because @jan reminded me on the BBQ :stuck_out_tongue_winking_eye:) Tuesday :wink:

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