security Archives - Nextcloud Regain control over your data Thu, 23 Feb 2023 21:36:58 +0000 en-US hourly 1 security Archives - Nextcloud 32 32 Updates 25.0.4 and 24.0.10 are out, get them now! Thu, 23 Feb 2023 21:35:18 +0000 Minor Nextcloud updates are released!
As always, minor releases include stability and security improvements that are designed to be a safe and quick upgrade.

The post Updates 25.0.4 and 24.0.10 are out, get them now! appeared first on Nextcloud.

As always, minor releases include stability and security improvements that are designed to be a safe and quick upgrade.

We unfortunately do not yet have the changelog, as we’re having some WordPress fun with that page. We’re working on it!

In the mean time, you can see the changelog in this forum post.

Note: There will be no more releases of Nextcloud Hub 2 (23.0.x). Upgrade to Nextcloud Enterprise to continue to get security and stability updates or move to 24.0.x or Nextcloud Hub 3 (25.0.x). Don’t forget that running web-facing software without regular updates is risky. Please stay up to date with Nextcloud releases of both the server and its apps, for the safety of your data! Customers can always count on our upgrade support if needed.

Note²: PHP 7.4 is no longer officially supported by the PHP community. Nextcloud has supported PHP 8.0 and newer versions for some time now, and we strongly recommend you move to a newer version of PHP. Version 8.0 is already out of active support (!) and has only 11 months of security updates left. Nextcloud Hub 3 (25.0.x) deprecates PHP 7.4 but still works with it. Still we recommend you use PHP 8.1 and our upcoming Hub 4 release will drop 7.4 support. This release is also on track to support PHP 8.2 which was released today.

Ready to move to Nextcloud Hub 3?

Nextcloud Hub 3 was released last October and we highly recommend that you upgrade to benefit from the latest features. Check out the release announcement here.

Nextcloud Hub 3

End of public support for Nextcloud Hub 2 (23.0.x series)

Nextcloud Hub 2 (23.0.x) is no longer maintained. We will continue to release security and bug fix updates only for Nextcloud Enterprise 23 and older. If you are a home user, move to Hub 2 (24.0.x) or Hub 3 (25.0.x) as soon as possible. If you use Nextcloud in a commercial setting, check out our Nextcloud Enterprise as that is likely more suited for you. As always we strongly recommend you update to ensure you have a secure and reliable content collaboration platform that respects your digital sovereignty!

This is, of course, also true for apps: Keeping them updated has security benefits, besides the new features and other bug fixes.

Stay safe: keep your server up-to-date!

Minor Nextcloud releases are security and functionality bug fixes, not rewrites of major systems that risk user data! We also do extensive testing, both in our code base and by upgrading a series of real-world systems to the test versions. This ensures that upgrades to minor releases are generally painless and reliable. As the updates not only fix feature issues but also security problems, it is a bad idea to not upgrade!

If you are maintaining a mission-critical Nextcloud system for your enterprise, it is highly recommended that you get yourself some insurance (and job security… who gets blamed if the file handling system isn’t working as expected?). A hotline to the core Nextcloud developers is the best guarantee for reliable service for your users, and the job safety of you as a system administrator.

The post Updates 25.0.4 and 24.0.10 are out, get them now! appeared first on Nextcloud.

Third maintenance release for Hub 3 is out, get your update! Tue, 17 Jan 2023 18:14:24 +0000 Minor Nextcloud updates are released!
As always, minor releases include stability and security improvements that are designed to be a safe and quick upgrade.

The post Third maintenance release for Hub 3 is out, get your update! appeared first on Nextcloud.

Nextcloud Hub 3 (25.0.3) and 24.0.9 are out! 23 no longer maintained.

As always, minor releases include stability and security improvements that are designed to be a safe and quick upgrade.

You can find the full changelog of fixes and improvements for these releases on our website.

Note: There will be no more releases of Nextcloud Hub 2 (23.0.x). Upgrade to Nextcloud Enterprise to continue to get security and stability updates or move to Nextcloud Hub 2 (24.0.x) or Nextcloud Hub 3 (25.0.x). Don’t forget that running web-facing software without regular updates is risky. Please stay up to date with Nextcloud releases of both the server and its apps, for the safety of your data! Customers can always count on our upgrade support if needed.

Note²: PHP 7.4 is no longer officially supported by the PHP community. Nextcloud has supported PHP 8.0 and newer versions for some time now, and we strongly recommend you move to a newer version of PHP. Version 8.0 is already out of active support (!) and has only 11 months of security updates left. Nextcloud Hub 3 (25.0.x) deprecates PHP 7.4 but still works with it. Still we recommend you use PHP 8.1 and our upcoming Hub 4 release will drop 7.4 support. This release is also on track to support PHP 8.2 which was released today.

Ready to move to Nextcloud Hub 3?

Nextcloud Hub 3 was released last October and we highly recommend that you upgrade to benefit from the latest features. Check out the release announcement here.

Nextcloud Hub 3

End of public support for Nextcloud Hub 2 (23.0.x series)

Nextcloud Hub 2 (23.0.x) is no longer maintained. We will continue to release security and bug fix updates only for Nextcloud Enterprise 23 and older. If you are a home user, move to Hub 2 (24.0.x) or Hub 3 (25.0.x) as soon as possible. If you use Nextcloud in a commercial setting, check out our Nextcloud Enterprise as that is likely more suited for you. As always we strongly recommend you update to ensure you have a secure and reliable content collaboration platform that respects your digital sovereignty!

This is, of course, also true for apps: Keeping them updated has security benefits, besides the new features and other bug fixes.

Stay safe: keep your server up-to-date!

Minor Nextcloud releases are security and functionality bug fixes, not rewrites of major systems that risk user data! We also do extensive testing, both in our code base and by upgrading a series of real-world systems to the test versions. This ensures that upgrades to minor releases are generally painless and reliable. As the updates not only fix feature issues but also security problems, it is a bad idea to not upgrade!

If you are maintaining a mission-critical Nextcloud system for your enterprise, it is highly recommended that you get yourself some insurance (and job security… who gets blamed if the file handling system isn’t working as expected?). A hotline to the core Nextcloud developers is the best guarantee for reliable service for your users, and the job safety of you as a system administrator.

The post Third maintenance release for Hub 3 is out, get your update! appeared first on Nextcloud.

Why a Single Platform boosts productivity and improves security Tue, 17 Jan 2023 10:00:39 +0000 On a typical work day, employees use countless different platforms and tools to get their tasks done. From taking a Zoom call, to emailing via Outlook to uploading files on Dropbox, before you know it you’re switching between different applications the entire work day. A Harvard Business Review study has coined this the “toggle tax” […]

The post Why a Single Platform boosts productivity and improves security appeared first on Nextcloud.

On a typical work day, employees use countless different platforms and tools to get their tasks done. From taking a Zoom call, to emailing via Outlook to uploading files on Dropbox, before you know it you’re switching between different applications the entire work day. A Harvard Business Review study has coined this the “toggle tax” and found that employees spend almost four hours a week re-orienting themselves after toggling between applications – that’s five weeks per year, or 9% of their annual time at work.

It’s no wonder companies today are faced with so many different solutions, as people turning to home office has resulted in explosive growth of new innovations used in modern organizations worldwide. To combat the issue of too many choices, many companies have decided to consolidate all tools and applications into a single, productivity platform.

The single platform has become a one-stop-shop for all your work life: your files, contacts, collaboration efforts and more. This IT innovation saves on cost, improves security and productivity of employees.

In this blog, we will explain the factors influencing companies and governments to choose integrated productivity platforms like Nextcloud over an assortment of individual tools.


There is a financial cost associated with using multiple platforms for work productivity. Let’s take a look at what some popular platforms are charging businesses and how Nextcloud, a single, integrated platform, compares, from a reputable hosting partner, Deutsche Telekom:

141€ per year189.90€ per year216€ per user, per year 192€ per user, per yearNextcloud hosting at Deutsche Telekom*
475€/100 users/month

Total price per year for 100 users: 41,130€Total price per year for 100 users: 5,484€
*Deutsche Telekom’s pricing plan recommended for 100 users (an example of a hosting partner, find others on our website)

As you can see, when businesses choose to use multiple different platforms, costs will add up significantly. Luckily, this is entirely avoidable with a single productivity platform that is an all-in-one. For a fraction of the cost, you can have all the tools you need for your employees. That goes without noting Nextcloud is entirely open source, avoiding vendor lock-in and protecting your customers’s data privacy.

But there is more to the cost. In most organizations, purchasing a SaaS service or another is a very easy and informal process. And with all those vendors you end up with, getting an overview of what you spend IT budget on is nearly impossible. It is no wonder that studies show over 1/3rd of SaaS spending is wasted. Much of that is due to subscriptions on apps that are no longer used, for employees who left the company, and so on. But here’s the trick: having less vendors means it is easier to get control over your spending!

Now let’s talk about the next benefit, productivity.


Nextcloud team at work

Switching between different user interfaces all day may seem like second nature, but it adds up in more ways than one. As stated in the Harvard Business Review study, research in psychology and neuroscience have shown that jumping between tasks — also called “context switching” — is cognitively taxing. It slows you down, derails your focus causing more opportunities for errors and ultimately decreases your daily work productivity.

Take this example: You’ve finally finished a project with an important customer and you’re ready to show the final report to your manager. However, you can’t remember where your final report is located. Did you upload it onto Dropbox? Or was it in that long email chain? Or rather, did your colleague put it on his daughter’s USB stick while he was working from home? As you can see, a file can get lost quite easily if you don’t have one dedicated place for it, not to mention the communication and workflow involving the file. In Nextcloud’s single platform, your file is stored where you left it – in one folder.

Not only is everything in one place making things easier, but tools are integrated. Back to our example, once you’re in a video call to show your manager your final report, you can simply share the file right into the conversation. With Nextcloud Talk, you can share any file, document or spreadsheet in a chat or video call. Forgetting your final report’s location is a problem simply in the past.

More examples of Nextcloud’s interoperability are:

  • Sharing a document within the document itself in the media tab where you can even configure restricted access if necessary
  • Sharing a document directly in a Talk video call or chat
  • Sharing a document in an appointment in Calendar so it’s readily available for all parties
  • Sharing a document in a Deck card to better collaborate

Your collaboration possibilities are truly endless when you never have to leave the platform.


In just the first half of 2022, there have been 236.1 million ransomware attacks worldwide. Given this incredible rise of ransomware attacks, it’s vital for your organization or company to take protective action. Using 5 different applications means 5x the risk of a breach, and often, due to password re-use or single-sign-on, a breach in one spreads to the others. So, using a single collaboration platform decreases the security risks of an organisation or company.

As a Nextcloud Enterprise user, you have access to early security and stability patches and if you host on-premises or in a local data center, it’s all under your control too. No need to wait for a third party to inform you of the breach or hope they act competently.

Ease of maintenance

Each platform you run or use has to be managed and maintained. And especially when you host them yourself, you need to have and maintain the inhouse expertise to run the system. Certainly, running a Java, PHP, Go and Node.JS each require different skills to maintain, security reports to keep up to date with and so on. Besides the different down time schedules this would result in, scaling is another concern: each of these technologies scales in a different way, horizontally or vertically, and has different bottlenecks (CPU, memory, bandwidth and so on).

Certainly, having such a heterogenous environment might be fun for sysadmin. But it won’t be for the rest of the organisation, at least in terms of cost, security and long term stability. And when a problem shows up and the different products and their support teams all point fingers to each other rather than taking responsibility and fixing the problem, even the system administrator will lose interest…

While Nextcloud uses various technologies where it makes sense, including Rust, Go, PHP and C++, it is a well understood and designed whole, scaling consistently. We take responsibility for the entire product, saving cost and improving reliability.

A trend just begun

Integrated, single platforms like Nextcloud are just at the beginning of a trend that’s really just begun. Larger companies like Microsoft and Google have already been working towards single platforms for years because they see the benefits for their customers and cost advantages. Even one-product companies like Zoom are now looking towards expanding into an entire “Zoomtopia” complete with mail and calendar.

But are those separate solutions not better?

Often you’ll hear: pick the best tool for the job. And yes, will Calendly have, somewhere tucked in a corner, a feature you won’t find in an integrated solution from Microsoft, Google or Nextcloud? Perhaps.

Certainly, not all software is the same, and for a feature you lose left, you gain another on the right. But the benefit of an improved user experience often outweighs the occasional feature difference, certainly for less technical users. Is it worth the additional security risk, additional administrative overhead, maintenance work and cost?

If you rely on multiple platforms for their product just because they are “the expert” on their product, you might want to think again. By using a single platform, you save in cost, increase productivity, can rely on high security and maintenance.

What our users have to say

Our users have experienced first-hand what a single platform can do for their business. Read on to see what some of them say about how Nextcloud meets and exceeds their productivity, security and maintenance goals.

“Collabora, Nextcloud Talk, News, Announcement Center is what bounds me within the software. I don’t have to use different applications to communicate with my colleagues, don’t need different applications to sync my files, don’t need different applications to read my atom feeds, etc. You know where I’m going. Nextcloud is the complete set of application. It has indeed replaced Dropbox, Google Drive, Zoom, Google RSS Reader, and tons of other software from my life.”

Diggaj U., reviewer on Capterra

One of the reasons Sam T. chose Nextcloud for his business was because of the large app ecosystem.

“Its easy to use, stable and dependable, extremely customisable, and works across all mobile and desktop operating systems. Perhaps most importantly, through the built in app store, it serves as a platform for many other key business applications which we need, such as collaborative document editing, calendar and contact sync and share, internal knowledge base (wiki), and more.”

Sam T., reviewer on Capterra

“It’s a brilliant way of sharing files across multiple devices and sharing files with others. I was looking for my own version of Dropbox and Nextcloud fits the bill, and some. Some of the more recent Apps really could make this a complete solution, with the Collarora/Onlyoffice integration, Decks, Circles, Passwords, Email, Talk, etc. And it’s open source.”

Adrian W., reviewer on Capterra

How do you use Nextcloud to better collaborate? What does it mean for you to work on a single platform?

We’d love to hear from you – write a comment below or review us today on one of the many rating platforms that support our product and service.

We hope you enjoyed this article about why using a single platform is more productive and efficient by ten-fold!

Users love Nextcloud on G2

The post Why a Single Platform boosts productivity and improves security appeared first on Nextcloud.

Second maintenance release for Hub 3 out, last update for 23! Thu, 08 Dec 2022 17:16:43 +0000 Minor Nextcloud updates are released!
As always, minor releases include stability and security improvements that are designed to be a safe and quick upgrade.

The post Second maintenance release for Hub 3 out, last update for 23! appeared first on Nextcloud.

Nextcloud Hub 3 (25.0.2), 24.0.8 and 23.0.12 are out! And: PHP 7.x is dead, long live PHP 8.x!

As always, minor releases include stability and security improvements that are designed to be a safe and quick upgrade.

You can find the full changelog of fixes and improvements for these releases on our website.

We also released a new version of our desktop client, 3.6.4. Besides a number of bug fixes, this version improves support for the ‘edit locally’ feature in Hub 3, which lets you open a file from the browser onto your desktop. The file will be locked while you edit it on your desktop, and after you save and close your editor you can unlock it.

Note: There will be no more releases of Nextcloud Hub 2 (23.0.x). Upgrade to Nextcloud Enterprise to continue to get security and stability updates or move to Nextcloud Hub 2 (24.0.x) or Nextcloud Hub 3 (25.0.x). Don’t forget that running web-facing software without regular updates is risky. Please stay up to date with Nextcloud releases of both the server and its apps, for the safety of your data! Customers can always count on our upgrade support if needed.

Note²: PHP 7.4 is no longer officially supported by the PHP community. Nextcloud has supported PHP 8.0 and newer versions for some time now, and we strongly recommend you move to a newer version of PHP. Version 8.0 is already out of active support (!) and has only 11 months of security updates left. Nextcloud Hub 3 (25.0.x) deprecates PHP 7.4 but still works with it. Still we recommend you use PHP 8.1 and our upcoming Hub 4 release will drop 7.4 support. This release is also on track to support PHP 8.2 which was released today.

Ready to move to Nextcloud Hub 3?

Nextcloud Hub 3 was released last October and we highly recommend that you upgrade to benefit from the latest features. Check out the release announcement here.

Nextcloud Hub 3

End of public support for Nextcloud Hub 2 (23.0.x series)

Nextcloud Hub 2 (23.0.x) is no longer maintained. We will continue to release security and bug fix updates only for Nextcloud Enterprise 23 and older. If you are a home user, move to Hub 2 (24.0.x) or Hub 3 (25.0.x) as soon as possible. If you use Nextcloud in a commercial setting, check out our Nextcloud Enterprise as that is likely more suited for you. As always we strongly recommend you update to ensure you have a secure and reliable content collaboration platform that respects your digital sovereignty!

This is, of course, also true for apps: Keeping them updated has security benefits, besides the new features and other bug fixes.

Stay safe: keep your server up-to-date!

Minor Nextcloud releases are security and functionality bug fixes, not rewrites of major systems that risk user data! We also do extensive testing, both in our code base and by upgrading a series of real-world systems to the test versions. This ensures that upgrades to minor releases are generally painless and reliable. As the updates not only fix feature issues but also security problems, it is a bad idea to not upgrade!

If you are maintaining a mission-critical Nextcloud system for your enterprise, it is highly recommended that you get yourself some insurance (and job security… who gets blamed if the file handling system isn’t working as expected?). A hotline to the core Nextcloud developers is the best guarantee for reliable service for your users, and the job safety of you as a system administrator.

The post Second maintenance release for Hub 3 out, last update for 23! appeared first on Nextcloud.

First maintenance release for Hub 3 out, updates to older releases too Thu, 03 Nov 2022 16:25:21 +0000 Minor Nextcloud updates are released!
As always, minor releases include stability and security improvements that are designed to be a safe and quick upgrade.

The post First maintenance release for Hub 3 out, updates to older releases too appeared first on Nextcloud.

Nextcloud Hub 3 (25.0.1), 24.0.7 and 23.0.11 are released!

As always, minor releases include stability and security improvements that are designed to be a safe and quick upgrade.

You can find the full changelog of fixes and improvements for these releases on our website.

Note: There will be no more releases of Nextcloud Hub 1 (22.0.x). Upgrade to Nextcloud Enterprise to continue to get security and stability updates or move to Nextcloud Hub 2 (23.0.x or 24.0.x) or Nextcloud Hub 3 (25). Don’t forget that running web-facing software without regular updates is risky. Please stay up to date with Nextcloud releases of both the server and its apps, for the safety of your data! Customers can always count on our upgrade support if needed.

Ready to move to Nextcloud Hub 3?

Nextcloud Hub 3 was released last month and we highly recommend that you upgrade to benefit from the latest features. Check out the release announcement here.

Nextcloud Hub 3

End of public support for Nextcloud Hub 1 (22 series)

Nextcloud Hub 1 (22.0.x) is no longer maintained. We will continue to release security and bug fix updates only for Nextcloud Enterprise 22. If you are a home user, move to Hub 2 (23.0.x or 24.0.x) or Hub 3 (25.0.x) as soon as possible. If you use Nextcloud in a commercial setting, check out our Nextcloud Enterprise as that is likely more suited for you. As always we strongly recommend you update to ensure you have a secure and reliable content collaboration platform that respects your digital sovereignty!

This is, of course, also true for apps: Keeping them updated has security benefits, besides the new features and other bug fixes.

Stay safe: keep your server up-to-date!

Minor Nextcloud releases are security and functionality bug fixes, not rewrites of major systems that risk user data! We also do extensive testing, both in our code base and by upgrading a series of real-world systems to the test versions. This ensures that upgrades to minor releases are generally painless and reliable. As the updates not only fix feature issues but also security problems, it is a bad idea to not upgrade!

If you are maintaining a mission-critical Nextcloud system for your enterprise, it is highly recommended that you get yourself some insurance (and job security… who gets blamed if the file handling system isn’t working as expected?). A hotline to the core Nextcloud developers is the best guarantee for reliable service for your users, and the job safety of you as a system administrator.

The post First maintenance release for Hub 3 out, updates to older releases too appeared first on Nextcloud.

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Maintenance releases 24.0.6 and 23.0.10 are out, plus Hub 3 RC3! Thu, 06 Oct 2022 14:19:17 +0000 Minor Nextcloud updates are released!
As always, minor releases include stability and security improvements that are designed to be a safe and quick upgrade.

The post Maintenance releases 24.0.6 and 23.0.10 are out, plus Hub 3 RC3! appeared first on Nextcloud.

The post Maintenance releases 24.0.6 and 23.0.10 are out, plus Hub 3 RC3! appeared first on Nextcloud.

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Maintenance releases 24.0.5 and 23.0.9 are out, plus 5th beta of our upcoming release! Thu, 08 Sep 2022 15:15:07 +0000 Minor Nextcloud updates are released!
As always, minor releases include stability and security improvements that are designed to be a safe and quick upgrade.

The post Maintenance releases 24.0.5 and 23.0.9 are out, plus 5th beta of our upcoming release! appeared first on Nextcloud.

The post Maintenance releases 24.0.5 and 23.0.9 are out, plus 5th beta of our upcoming release! appeared first on Nextcloud.

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5 Unique Security Features by Nextcloud Wed, 27 Jul 2022 14:36:15 +0000 You love Nextcloud because it allows you to keep your data secure and under your control. When it comes to protecting your data, we want to be your #1 trusted technology and provide you with state-of-the-art, industry leading tools that go beyond today’s technology standards. Nextcloud offers more security features and benefits than most people […]

The post 5 Unique Security Features by Nextcloud appeared first on Nextcloud.

You love Nextcloud because it allows you to keep your data secure and under your control.

When it comes to protecting your data, we want to be your #1 trusted technology and provide you with state-of-the-art, industry leading tools that go beyond today’s technology standards.

Nextcloud offers more security features and benefits than most people realize, and today we want to zoom in on 5 of them.

Remote Wipe

Remote wipe is a Data Leak Prevention (DLP) method that allows a system administrator to remotely delete data from a device. It’s especially useful if your device is lost, has been stolen or when an employee no longer works for your organization.

Due to built-in Nextcloud support, Remote wipe will not only work on systems under the management of a company (MDM), but also on the private devices of employees in BYOD situations or for friends who have an account on your server. Therefore it is also helpful for home users, large universities, and non-profits who often don’t fully control the devices of their users.

2 examples when Remote wipe is essential:

  • In a scenario where guest accounts were handed to a third party who use private devices, say for planning an event: when the event is over, you can wipe the documents from the devices of guests you gave access.
  • In a situation where an employee leaves the company and keeps their device(s): If you want to make sure an ex-employee can’t access company data, you can utilize Remote wipe and to remove the company data from their devices.

Stolen or lost devices usually catch you unprepared. Therefore, this feature is supported by all official Nextcloud clients, for Android, iOS and desktops. Note that the Nextcloud Remote Wipe feature can only remove data from online devices.

Curious? Watch the video to see how it works:

Video Verification

In situations where extreme security is warranted and the identity of a recipient must be verified with absolute certainty before they are granted access, Nextcloud includes the industry-first implementation of Video Verification in a file sync and share solution.

You might be familiar with this process from the opening of online bank accounts: you have to record yourself or have to have a live session with a human. In both cases, a human has to check your identity before you gain access.

Similarly, Video Verification enforces a Nextcloud Talk video call before access is given to a share, making sure the identity of the recipient is properly checked. The call can be picked up through the Nextcloud Talk Mobile apps as well as the web interface.

At Nextcloud, we want you to feel 100% certain that your data is protected and under your control and jurisdiction.

Private Cloud Security Scan

To help our system administrators assess the security of their private cloud server, we have developed the Private Cloud Security Scan.

Our scan is strictly based on publicly available information, that is, the list of known vulnerabilities relevant for Nextcloud releases as well as any applied hardenings or settings we can scan without having access to the server.

It’s available for free here, just add your server URL.

Security Bug Bounties

Nextcloud protects your security with up to $10,000 in our HackerOne’s Bug Bounty program.

We have partnered with HackerOne because of its extraordinary popularity among IT security professionals. The widely used platform has a global hacking community that uncovers high-risk vulnerabilities fast and which allows us to quickly leverage the collective knowledge of a huge amount of security experts. Over 3,000 hackers have already reported countless bugs for Nextcloud and reaped the benefits.

Nextcloud’s commitment to responsiveness and putting security first puts them in the best position to attract top hacker talent to continue to supplement the good work their internal security team is doing to protect customers.” – Michiel Prins, Co-founder HackerOne.

Anyone reporting a security vulnerability in Nextcloud can earn up to $10,000, making ours one of the highest security bug bounty programs in the open-source industry!

Learn more in our latest update about the program and read the HackerOne Case Study!

Virtual Data Room

In settings where a strong security firewall is needed between departments or organizations without impeding smooth and efficient collaboration within each team, a separate Virtual Data Room can be set up. Nextcloud offers a range of features for VDR use and its on-premises nature offers unparalleled confidentiality and control.

For Nextcloud, VDR is a set of features to implement the concept of a VDR, with flexibility in the exact implementation. In our next post, you will learn about some of these features!

The post 5 Unique Security Features by Nextcloud appeared first on Nextcloud.

Maintenance releases 24.0.3, 23.0.7 and 22.2.10 are out, update! Mon, 18 Jul 2022 15:58:14 +0000 Minor Nextcloud updates are released!
As always, minor releases include stability and security improvements that are designed to be a safe and quick upgrade.

The post Maintenance releases 24.0.3, 23.0.7 and 22.2.10 are out, update! appeared first on Nextcloud.

The post Maintenance releases 24.0.3, 23.0.7 and 22.2.10 are out, update! appeared first on Nextcloud.

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